In order for us to provide you with an accurate quotation, we will need to know a few more details about the item you would like to personalise. To get started simply use the contact form below and we will get back to you with the next steps.
Examples of useful information to include in your comment:
- Details of the item (i.e. Apron, Bag)
- Material of the item
- Customisation required
- Ideal positioning of the embroidery on the product
- Embroidery font you would like
- Font size
- Thread colour
Note: Depending on the details provided, we may request photographs or to be sent the product itself before a quote can be provided (you are responsible for covering postage costs).
Alternatively, arrange to come and see us at Unit 2, Chilvers Coton Craft Centre, CV11 4LU for a review to be carried out in person.